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“Your mind will take the shape of what you frequently hold in thought, for the human spirit is colored by such impressions.” – Marcus Aurelius.

Do you think this quote by the Stoic philosopher is true or not? Is our mind just like water? Does our mind take the shape of whatever fills it? Or are our thoughts just fluid and change as we go along our merry way 🤔? Interesting concept.

Your thoughts shape your mind and that can affect and sometimes will affect your behavior. True or false? If all you think is negative then will you not behave in such a manner. On the other hand if your thoughts are positive won’t you behave in a similar manner. It’s not about only thinking happy thoughts but keeping yourself in that zen mode. I find when I do that it makes me feel better and stronger, no matter the adversity or what’s happening in my life. What I noticed and I don’t know if this has happened to you is that your mood gets dark. I can’t and won’t allow that. My state of mind is too precious to allow that. This is how I have always felt and with Rona and what has happened to us all in the past year I have to ensure I keep my head up.

My mother would say always remember that no matter your circumstances you are a child of God and made in his image. I have to keep that in mind. At the end of the day it’s about me and how I keep myself safe. If I don’t then how will I be able to look after my family? How will I function as a member of the society? No one can decide how you feel but you. They will try to take you down but you have to be strong and hold your head up. As is said, don’t take it personally. Just be like the duck and have it roll of your back. It’s not the easiest think to do to get a thick skin but …. If you don’t realize that it’s not about you, but them then you think life and the world revolves around you. I’m here to tell you it doesn’t. Imagine that our thoughts determine our behavior. You know how we think becomes habit. Habits can make or break us.

As Jim Rhon said “Stand Guard At The Door Of Your Mind”.

I really want to know what you are thinking, and I know others do too. Try commenting 👍🏽, but if you are not comfortable, reach out to me via any medium. Your comments let me know how you feel and very often give me a total different perspective on the topic. 😉. And you can never tell your comment might help others.

Always remember life is for living and you must always live your best life. #lifeisforliving #liveyourbestlife.

See you next Wednesday at 8:00 pm, Bogota time.

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