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A Happy New Year to all.

Have you ever wanted something so badly and for the life of you no matter what you do, how much work you put in nothing happens? I have been told by my stepmom that it’s God telling us one of three things, not now, no or yes.

It might not be time for you to get that change or thing in life. The Almighty is just telling you to wait, she/he will let you know when the time is right. (My husband says God must be a woman, nurturing, slow to wrath, etc). My stepmom always says to me “all will be revealed in his time.” Very often in our mind that is just too long. We will just have to wait and when it happens you realize it was the right time.

When it’s yes, it happens so fast sometimes it just might give you whiplash. What you have to do is be grateful and not take it for granted.

When it’s no, that’s just it, No. It hurts more often than not and we don’t take it as we should. It’s God’s way of protecting us from some kind of adversity. I think the reason why we are usually upset is because we are too close to the situation and can’t see the big picture. It usually for the best but it hurts so badly. What did we do to deserve this? It would have made such a difference in our lives and we groan and bitch about it for an extended period of time only to come to the realization that God knew best.

When will we learn to trust? I know it’s not such an easy thing to do. Can we be taught or learn how to trust? I wonder …..? My first reaction when I meet someone is to be open. Is that normal? I know persons that are so unwilling to trust and their aura pushes almost hate. They never trust anyone because to them persons are naturally evil or thieves. How do you live your life like that?

I digress, so let’s go back to accepting what God says when she/he decides what will happen. Do you agree with me in the sense that God helps to guide your life? Is it all you? Can you accept when the answer is No or Not yet?

Let me know what you think. How do you deal with those answers? Send me your answer via any medium.

See you next Wednesday, at 8:00 pm.

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