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“And, when you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it.” That line is taken from “The Alchemist” written by Paulo Coelho. I read this book years ago and never got it until one day I sat down to read it as if I was in an advance English Literature class.😂🤣 It was really profound, and that is when I really got one of my mother’s favorite sayings “belief kills and belief cures.” At that time I guess my mind was more open and ready to really grasp the concept of the universe. This is not about religion but spirituality. That difference is for another blog. 😉

My nephew-son quoted this line to me recently (I had sent him this book to read when he got really sick and he got it). We were talking a little while ago on how he would be able to buy a washer and dryer so he wouldn’t have to go to the laundromat. One day a friend messaged him to ask if he wanted his washer and dryer as he was moving to a new apartment that had both and he wouldn’t need them. When he got them to his apartment he called me to surprise me and said, “And, when you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it.” All I could do was smile. He was so right. I could give you more examples but I want you to think about when something like that happened to you and you were bemused. It was just the universe working with you and you never realized.

“Ask” what you want of that higher being, but you have to “believe” that it will be given, and then be prepared to “receive”. You must be open. Important thing to note, it doesn’t usually happen in real time and you very often have to put in some real work. 😉

I remember saying to my stepmom that God sure takes long for somethings we were talking about and she said “but it happens in the right time not necessarily when you consider it right but when he does.” She is so right.

The Lord’s Prayer is the perfect example of the concept. Many of us have never realized. Look at it again and don’t just say it automatically but really look at it. You would be surprised. It doesn’t matter your religion. It is the perfect example of how to ask, believe and receive.

Let me know what you think. Do you agree or disagree? Maybe you have never thought about it and now is the time.

See you next Wednesday at 8:00 pm.

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