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Have you ever been in a situation or walked into a room where you feel you should not be there? Do you feel as if you are not qualified to be there, even when you are more than qualified? Some persons consider that imposter syndrome, you just should not be there. You are in an environment/situation that’s way beyond your capacity. By contrast other think they are just outside of their comfort zone and that’s why they feel the way they do. They don’t think they shouldn’t be there they just feel that they have pushed themselves outside of where they usually are. I have no figures but I would guess the ones with imposter syndrome are more than the others. I would also guess the ones that feel they have pushed themselves outside their comfort zone would appear to be more confident. I wonder, what do you think 🤔?

I know the feeling associated with imposter syndrome. You feel as if you have no right to be in the environment. It doesn’t matter how qualified you are academically or other wise. While I know others that never seem to show similar tendencies. Is it that they are comfortable in their own skin or is it just that they hide it better? I haven’t had the feelings for a while and I think in my case it got better as I got older and really didn’t care what people thought. As I am writing I am now wondering if it really does improve with age for others or it stays there no matter how hard to try to ignore it. Why do some overcome and others don’t? Does the change happen over a period of time or is instantaneous when you realize that your life is your own and nobody has the right to make you feel less than. Is it others making you feel less than or is it your own fault?🤔. Then again is it something that everyone notices and realize something is wrong if you more often than not think you should not be in the environment that you walked into? Might you not think it’s normal to feel that way? After all you have always felt that you should not be where you are no matter how hard you fight to get there. Sometimes it’s the little persons sitting on your shoulders that make you feel that way, yes you own conscience. Or sometimes it’s the persons around you. The ones that say you should not be where you are because you don’t belong. It very often is those closest to you. Could it be that they really don’t think you should be there or is it that they feel if you fit in you might like it and leave them behind. Or could it be that they are afraid that you might fail and wouldn’t want you to be in such an embarrassing situation. Is it that they worry for you or worry that your inefficiencies might reflect on them. They are after all you family or friends. If you fail then what will it look like where they are concerned? Why should it matter after all it’s you life?

Let’s go back to the feeling of not belonging in some situations where it should not be a problem. Why do we have those feelings, why so many doubts, as I asked last week. Is it only human to doubt ourselves and our abilities? Or is it that some persons are more sensitive than others and therefore so many things affect us that maybe shouldn’t as perceived by society. Or is it because of how society thinks that we behave and believe the things we do? How do we get to the stage where we don’t care what others think and go do our thing? But if you show you don’t care does it mean that you will not belong? Do you really want to belong or do you want to be your own person? To belong or not to belong, that is the question.

Let me know as I really want to know what you are thinking, and I know others do too. Try commenting 👍🏽, but if you are not comfortable, reach out to me via any medium. Your comments let me know how you feel and very often give me a total different perspective on the topic. 😉. And you can never tell your comment might help others.

Always remember life is for living and you must always live your best life. #lifeisforliving #liveyourbestlife #gratefulforlife #faithgreaterthanfear

See you next Wednesday at 8:00 pm, Bogota time.

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