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I was listening to someone one day and the person mentioned that very often we go through life fighting for what we want or think we want and when we get it we realize that we don’t want what we were fighting for. I thought the idea strange but is it really. Think about it. We think we want to do certain things and achieve so many things in life and then to get to the “end” and realize that it’s not really what you want and because you have worked so long to get there is hard to let go and move on. Has that ever happened to you? Did you look up one day and noticed that your ladder that you were using to climb life obstacles was placed against the wrong wall? I smiled when I thought of this as I understood what was being said.

Now the question is do you move the ladder to another wall and start all over again or do you leave it where it is and continue the climb? Let’s look at the reasons to continue the climb. After all you have reached so far? Why start over? Is it fear of starting over or just thinking of all the time and effort you have put into the projects and your life overall. Why throw all of that away? But would you really be throwing anything away or would you just be taking a totally different path? Wouldn’t the experiences earned make the transition to another place on the wall be helpful? Which one is it for you fear or just plain tired and unwilling to start all over? Does it make sense to continue the climb against the wrong wall if you are unhappy? Your happiness should come first. Is it really about happiness or peace of mind? Are the two synonymous or are they mutually exclusive? Without peace of mind how is one even happy?

If you are not happy wouldn’t it make sense to move the ladder from that wall and place it somewhere else? But is it as simple as just picking up and moving? Would it be possible to just move? Many others have done it so could you but why upend your life without a guarantee that it will work out in your best interest? Have you ever sat down and just thought is it worth it? Am I doing what I want to do and just decide to change if it’s not what you think your life should be. It’s more than just work, it’s everything that happens. Everything in your life is interwoven and it’s up to you to decide how much. At the end of the day it’s your life and you must determine if you should remain where you are with all of the stress and/or unhappiness. Does it make sense to move the ladder from one wall to the other especially if it’s really heavy or do you just leave it and pray to God everything works out the way you want? But what do you want? Deciding what you want out of life and where you want to be and go is what will push or keep you stagnant or energized.

Let me know what you think, I really want to know and I sure others do too. Try commenting 👍🏽, but if you are not comfortable, reach out to me via any medium. Your comments let me know how you feel and very often give me a total different perspective on the topic. It could also spawn another blog. 😉. And you can never tell your comment might help others.

Always remember life is for living and you must always live your best life. #lifeisforliving #liveyourbestlife #gratefulforlife #faithgreaterthanfear

See you next Wednesday at 8:00 pm, Bogota time.

I would love it if you would say something, anything and tell someone. 🙏🏽