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These are things that have been on my mind since the virus has gone beyond what we thought would have happened. Writing helps me to feel better during this stressful situation. This is I have found to be my best bet for dealing with stress. I hope my words will help you in this crisis and help you to see we are all in this together.

The caption has been thrown around constantly since Covid-19 hit the entire world. This virus has totally changed the way everybody lives. We say we are in this together, but I wonder are we really? Are we really caring about each other or is it just words? How can we take care of each other and show we are all in this together? There are so many that still don’t take this seriously because in their mind they are fine and all will be well. What about the persons that have underlying issues? What about your neighbor? Neighbor, as Christ would explain it is not just the person that lives beside you but any other human. We must show compassion. Stop and think about others and #stayathome. We are really in this together. What affects one part of the world will affect another as we have seen. There is no doubt that it will and you just have to believe it. This is not a hoax as some persons want to believe. Maybe they live in a different world made up with their own fantasies.

Princes have it, paupers have it, politicians have it, anyone can have it. This virus has no respect for color, race, money or anything that differentiates us according to society. It simply says look at me I just did what nobody else could. I slowed down and to some extent stopped the entire world. Anybody can get me and look at you now. Will we learn from this situation or will it be business as usual when this is over? Only time will tell. In some ways it has humbled us as humans, but will we remain humble or return to our arrogant ways? Remember God is in charge. Please don’t let s/he remind us again. I pray we have learnt the lesson.

So many persons have been hit emotionally. Families have lost love ones which was unexpected and the grief is great, especially when you didn’t and can’t get the chance to say goodbye. That is so hard. I feel for the persons all over the world that have lost loved ones. My heart goes out to you.

Many persons are feeling the pressure and the pain financially. Businesses closing and persons losing jobs. What can we do? How can we help? I’ve been thinking about this question and have no ready answers. But the answer is out there. A friend of mine that owns his own business took a salary cut so he could keep his staff. It might not be the regular hours but enough so they won’t be without. Some persons have taken salary cuts so as to keep their jobs and so could their coworkers. Some have cut back hours so more persons can take home something. Maybe you are buying from your local farmer instead of the supermarket. There are many inspirational stories out there and some persons are actually walking the walk not just talking the talk. They actually are “their brothers keepers.”

What can you do and what have you done to help, especially when you are not a health care professional? I really want to know what you are thinking, and I know others do too. Try commenting 👍🏽, but if you are not comfortable, reach out to me via any medium. Your comments let me know how you feel and very often give me a total different perspective on the topic. 😉. And you can never tell your comment might help others.

Always remember life is for living and you must always live your best life. #lifeisforliving #liveyourbestlife.

See you next Wednesday at 8:00 pm, Bogota time.

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