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I don’t know about anybody else but from I can actually remember anything, I’ve always looked forward to vacation. School was draining in my mind. I am easily bored. When I went back to school after vacation everyone knew I was the go to person for the next couple holiday dates. 😄. It’s how I was able to recharge and now it’s how I ensure I keep that link with my children. I so love to take my children and go see as much of the world as we can. We get to bond and believe me that’s one of the best things in life.

Some people see vacation as a waste of time, because there is just too much to do, not understanding that it’s a way of putting yourself back in alignment. If the rich and famous figured it out and do it, why shouldn’t you? Or is it because they are rich and famous why they are able to do this? Let me know what you think.

I went to see a friend that works with a very exclusive hotel which caters to the rich. It’s very rustic and really, really beautiful. Did I say beautiful 😉. He says sometimes people will stay for a whole month just to rejuvenate themselves. I can understand doing that as life is about ebb and flow. Working constantly without a break can and very often does break you. I would know, I have lived it. We are constantly living under stress. How do you get rid of that stress without going mad? I use vacations as a method. They don’t have to be a month long as some persons do but a few days. You would be surprised at what it can do for the body. Rest is needed. Sleep is needed. I know some persons will say they only need the minimum amount of sleep and they are good. I am glad for them. 😉. I need sleep or the migraines kick in and life looks fuzzy. 😂. And no I was not drunk. 🤣🤣. I guess I need more sleep as I have gotten older. As I mentioned in a blog before, when you young in your mind you can do anything. Lack of sleep never bothered you.

Being on vacation puts me in my happy place and that can last for a while after it’s finished. It always did and probably always will. I don’t need no drugs. My happy place is that place where nothing bothers me. My mind says I am now on vacation anyway so I don’t have to care about work and life is blissful. Even if I had to fly somewhere, which is most times. It has not been pleasant after 9/11. Sigh, life was so simple back then. Can you believe it’s heading towards 20 years. Time waits on no one, it moves at the speed of light.

Let me know what you do for vacation, how often do you go on to vacation and what does it do for you.

Reach out to me on any medium and let me know what you think and if there are any subjects that you want me to tackle.

See you next Wednesday, at 8:00 pm.

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