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Music has always been an integral part of my life. When I was growing up I thought my mother was so old fashioned. She had vinyl and I had cassettes and later CDs. But thinking about it now what was the difference? Her vinyl could get scratched so easily and you had to flip it over to play all of it. But didn’t we have to do that with cassettes. 😂 I know she helped to nurture my love for music. I love music, all kinds of music.

Anyway do you remember cassettes? And CDs will be extinct soon if not already. I have a large collection. My kids know CDs because they see them in my office at home but in their world they only stream music.

Why would one want to put in a CD when streaming services are there? Remember when you had to buy the entire CD just to get one song. Those days are over. Got to love iTunes. The record companies sure made a killing. Those days are also over. Now artists can do their own thing without depending on the large recording companies. Got to love YouTube. As I have always said the internet is the best thing since sliced bread.

Think about writers, you had to get a deal from a publishing house and get an agent. Now you can self publish on Amazon and look at me, I do my own blogs on my own websites. Yeah!!! One day I will self publish.

Do you remember when we would go to the video store and get the latest and greatest movies? Well those days are over. Streaming is all the rage now. I love it. One Android box and you can watch anything you want. There’s an app for that. Cable companies take note.

Life has changed so much in the last couple years. My favorite example is the mobile phone. Do you all remember the Nokia 3310? Best cell phone EVER!!! Am I lying? 😂🤣🤣.

When Blackberry became the rage, wow, what can I say. Do you people remember BBM? All you wanted was persons’ pin, but now we have WhatsApp. Goggle is twenty. Now it’s a part of language, we will google it, not search but google.

When Steve Jobs held up the iPhone twelve years ago and said it would change the world, no one could see to what extent. It has tremendously. Now the smart phone rules the world. It is our new normal.

Think about mail. When was the last time you got snail mail? My mailbox at home is full of cobwebs. Seriously it is 😉. Now it’s emails, text messages, social media, etc. Now you can reach persons in no time and it’s not very expensive. Talking to your family on the other side of the world was beyond expensive, but now it’s cheap, easy and can be free, especially if you have free WiFi 🤣.

I could go on but I want feedback as to which technological change has had the greatest impact on you. Everyone knows it’s the internet for me. Best invention EVER!!!! I want comments. Technology is close to my heart.

See you next Wednesday, at 8:00 pm.

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