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Almost one year ago I sat with my father in his kitchen in Atlanta and talked. We talked for a long time, about any and everything. He then said to me, “girlfriend, you should write.” That’s what he called me when we were not arguing πŸ˜‰. My response was “whatever Daddy.”

About two weeks later I got a message that he was in the hospital, but in my mind he would be fine. But things didn’t go the way I thought as he died one month after that first message. Which was one month before his birthday and one month and three days before mine. It was so sudden and totally traumatized my family. That’s why I feel children must be the ones to bury parents and not the other way around. I have buried two parents and it rips your heart out.

Months later I sat talking to a friend, Andre, who said out of the blue “you should write.” I said that what my Dad told me before he died and he said with a shrug “there is no better way to honor your father.” I must have looked like a deer caught in a headlight as he gently said ” start a blog.”

So here I am doing just that. It was rough when I tried writing as I would cry and so I stopped. I miss my parents immensely. It’s been eight years since my mother left us and almost a year for my father. The heart takes a while to heal.

This blog will focus on my views of life and it was definitely influenced by them both especially my mother. She was my rock and when she went it was hard, but the almighty gave me my beautiful daughter a few months before. God moves in mysterious ways.

My parents had no filters I swear. The things that would come out of their mouths. I guess they could have been considered brutally honest. Sometimes I wonder about myself, can you inherit that from your parents or is it the influence when you are growing up? My mom was the one that made me feel I could do anything and to stand up for yourself. Now that I look back, one could say I was a little too vocal, I wonder…..

On my home page are two quote, one from each parent that they said to me when I was leaving university and I took them both to heart and fused them together to become my mantra. My mother said “eat drink and be merry as you never know what tomorrow will bring” and my father said “never look back on your life and say if only I had, but look back and say, I did”.

So with that for guidance I partied a lot, travelled a lot and enjoyed my life with no regrets. Then I met the love of my life got married and had kids. Life is good. πŸ˜„

If I hadn’t done this I would certainly have looked back later in life thinking I should have jumped without the safety net but I didn’t and that would have been a major disappointment. So here’s to my weekly blogs as I have realized that the only way to climb the mountain is to start with the first step. Don’t focus on the peak but on the next step. Don’t worry about what people will think and say, just do your thing. The most important person is you.

PS. Don’t you just love technology especially the internet? I can post from anywhere in the world and from any device. We truly live in a global village. My friend Andre (yes the same one that suggested I start the blog) says the internet is not the best invention since sliced bread, but suitcases on wheels. What do you think is the best invention since sliced bread? See you next week, same time, same place. Comment and subscribe.