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“A mind is like a parachute. It doesn’t work if it is not open.”

Frank Zappa

As you know I am forever learning, can’t stop. How else will I be able to understand this ever changing world. No matter how old I am I must be learning. If you not learning you are dying, that’s how I think. Learning something new is what I’m willing to do all the time. This subject came up when I was talking to a group of persons. They even suggested that this would be the topic for the blog this week 😉. It happened because they were moving between Spanish and English easily. I have decided that I want to be able to do that and would start soon. I never liked Spanish in school but, sigh …. Let’s see what will happen. 😏. You don’t always get to do what you want. That’s life. Sometimes things happen that move you in a direction that you might not have expected. This might be in your best interest, who can tell? You will never know until you go try.

I remember someone saying that they were too old to go back to school and a friend of mine was totally lost as she thought that was rubbish. Her mom went to university when she was almost retired because she was about to embark on another stage of her life. If she was not willing to learn then what was she going to do with the rest of her life. I can relate to that, as I am learning on my own, with my children and as things change in the world. It depends on your needs obviously as not everyone wants to be constantly learning as some think that when they leave school that’s the end of their learning. That for me makes no sense as it’s not going to school that allows you to stretch your mind but developing an open mind that allows you to learn. Without that open mind then you keep you mind shallow because you think you have arrived. In my mind you never stop learning as the world itself is always changing. Imagine deciding that no matter what you won’t use the new technology that is always being released but you will hold on to the past. Who does that help? Who does that hurt?

One of the reasons my dad would tell me to travel was so that I would learn. He didn’t mean learning subjects such as you would learn in school but learning about other persons and their cultures. He wanted me to learn up close and personal. It wasn’t that bad and rather interesting. This learning via travel would open the mind and allow you to grow. You realize that seeing areas outside of where you were born and grew up allows you to see the world though different lens. It’s the lens that you look through that determine how the world looks. It’s like being at the optometrist and getting a choice as to what lens you see through better. When you select the one that suits you the world become clearer. When the world looks clearer it makes such a difference. The day I started wearing glasses as a child was when I knew the sky was that blue. The lens made the difference.

I work in an industry that changes constantly. If I decide that I am not willing to learn and grow, well I had better pack up my little bundle and leave the job and the industry itself. What would I do with myself then? I have no independent wealth thrown around, such a pity🤷🏽‍♀️. What to do? It doesn’t matter the industry that you are a part of, I feel you must constantly be learning or you become a dinosaur and you know what happened to them. I don’t want to become extinct because of my stubbornness and unwillingness to open my mind to what is out there to learn. What happens if we don’t learn? I don’t mean being on the cutting edge of technology but just knowing what’s happening. No need to be one of the early adopters but just to see what’s happening and know that you must keep an open mind and be ready to adopt when necessary.

Let me know as I really want to know what you are thinking, and I know others do too. Try commenting 👍🏽, but if you are not comfortable, reach out to me via any medium. Your comments let me know how you feel and very often give me a total different perspective on the topic. 😉. And you can never tell your comment might help others.

Always remember life is for living and you must always live your best life. #lifeisforliving #liveyourbestlife #gratefulforlife #faithgreaterthanfear

See you next Wednesday at 8:00 pm, Bogota time.

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