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There are so many persons out there that wanted to become a superstar but only got one hit. I have a collection of music with the greatest one hit wonders, yes there is such a collection. The thing that I like about these persons is that they went after their dreams, it might have been fleeting and they just had fifteen minutes of fame, but they tried and held on to their dreams for a moment. I never laugh at these persons and I don’t think you should either as they went after their dreams, how many of you can say that?

One hit wonders are persons that overcame the fear even for a short time and went after the dream. Or knew what they wanted and moved heaven and earth to get it. They came, they saw and they conquered.

As I mentioned in a previous blog my parents told me to go after my dreams and I tried. There is so much more that I want to do but will try soon, haven’t given up. What I don’t want is later in life to be sitting reminiscing and beat myself as I should have tried something and never did because of fear. Except bungee jumping, not going to do that, call me a coward and I will answer. πŸ˜‚

I remember reading something that came from a nurse that took care of old, terminally ill patients and it was interesting. She said every one of those persons said the same thing, the only regrets they had was not going after their dreams or not trying something new. None said bring the bank books. Not one said bring me the diplomas or the degrees so that I can look at them and hug it. Not saying you should not be educated, that one of my greatest beliefs. Education helps to grow the mind and I don’t just mean book learning only. Your focus has to be more, wider and varied. Maybe you think I am trying to project my beliefs on you. I am not, I want you to think about it. And who to tell you might do something about it.

There are so many persons that have never been outside of the community that they grew up in, much less the country. Traveling opens your eyes to the world and helps to cultivate tolerance. I did it and I believe it’s true. Making friends that look different from yourself but share the same beliefs and values makes life interesting. That’s when you realize people are people and we all pray to the same higher being.

Let me know if you will ever be a one hit wonder or you will never try because of fear. Nothing beats a trial but a failure. And failure can help growth.

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