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“If you don’t like where you are, move. You are not a tree.”

Yesterday was International Women’s Day and for those I never got the chance to “big up” I wish you a belated day. 🙏🏽

I have always had the quote above in my head and I have used it to live my life to some extent. The question is is it practical for all? I have a friend who I swear thought this quote was written just for her. If things aren’t going her way she just packs up and move. She is not running away because of fear but she is moving because she doesn’t like the bs around her. What would it be like if we all thought like that?

Many persons complain about where they are in life but never do anything about it. They stay in the same situation and wallow in self pity. Sometimes you can’t physically move but mentally you can. Protect you mental health and move yourself to a different place mentally. Yes it is possible, I would know, I have done it. That’s why when you ask me how I’m doing I can genuinely say I’m good and I’m in a good place. This is not false bravado but it’s me doing me. 😁. That’s how I make me stay happy. Remember no one can control your life but you, well no one should. You shouldn’t hand over the keys to your mind to anyone else. You are the master of your own destiny.

Do you agree with the quote? Should you move from a physically location because things aren’t as you think they should be or should you stay and fight? When does the fighting become a waste of time and sometimes down right dangerous ? Is it always necessary to stay and fight the good fight or pack up your little bundle and step away? I know persons that have told me that they have for example invested too much time in a venture and therefore it’s just too much to pack up and leave. But I ask again, is it worth the fight and the struggles? Sometimes it’s a big decision to make and it affects not only you but others. But if you stay in the situation will it not make it worst for all involved? 🤔. I’m just asking because I don’t know.

Some will say they can’t move because they don’t have the resources and the wherewithal to step away from what is going on so they stay. Do you stay and remain unhappy? Do you move and hope and pray that it helps to change your circumstances? I have seen persons with all the opportunities in the world stay in situations that for me make no sense but at the end of the day it’s their life. You have to look at what is around you and decide if staying will help or hinder your progress. Don’t stay because of fear. As I have said before you sometimes have to jump and pray the net will appear.

Leap and the net will appear

Let me know as I really want to know what you are thinking, and I know others do too. Try commenting 👍🏽, but if you are not comfortable, reach out to me via any medium. Your comments let me know how you feel and very often give me a total different perspective on the topic. 😉. And you can never tell your comment might help others.

Always remember life is for living and you must always live your best life. #lifeisforliving #liveyourbestlife #gratefulforlife #faithgreaterthanfear

See you next Wednesday at 8:00 pm, Bogota time.

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