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You can choose your friends but not your family. So says that old adage. That’s a fact and it’s something we just have to accept. The question is how do we fit into the family and do we even want to fit in? Do we care about our families or do we take them for granted?

I was talking to someone recently about why he did what he did business wise and his family was the catalyst for everything. That deep love that this person has for his family is amazing to see. When he spoke about his parents you could see a glow and love. Because of things that happened earlier in life he is beyond grateful for these two fantastic persons. This I can juxtapose to others who couldn’t care less if their parents live or die. It might be hard for some of you to understand but it’s a real thing. I wondered if it’s because parents treated their offsprings with disdain and so the feeling was mutual. Could it be that they just all took each other for granted? What do you think is the reason for this apathy between family members? I ask because I would love to know.

You all know how I feel about my parents especially my mother. That love is not because she would always be nice and try to be my friend. No it was because she ensured I knew she was my mother and she was fair. Tell me if you ever heard this one, “I’m your mother, not your friend.” She would listen to all that was said before she made a judgment. She was the one who told me from early in life that there were three sides to every story, your side, my side and the truth. She was a wise woman. I will always miss her. I never took her for granted and that’s why when she was gone it was hard but not traumatic. I think that’s the best way I can put it. We spoke all the time up to the end. She was the one that taught me how to communicate. She pushed me and very often I would not want to go in that direction but my mother was…. There was also something she said to me which I now say to my kids, if you don’t ask you don’t get what you want. The answer can only be yes or no. If it’s yes it’s great but if it’s no, then move on and try something else. Now that I’m writing I realize how much I loved her and always will. She prepared me for life. But isn’t that what parents should do?

The relationship with my dad was different. I loved him but we argued regularly. I guess as both parents would say “you are your father’s child.” I looked like my mother but was an introverted version of my dad. 🤔. Yes I am an introvert. Many won’t believe it but I am. My parents were extroverts so I learned by mimicking them. 😉. I’m trying to teach my kids as they are both introverts. In time they will get it. Well I hope so.

The love for the parents is one thing but there are the siblings and the extended family. Do you want to be around them or would you prefer to not even be related? Would you want to give back the family card? With some families and the drama they have I can see why some persons would prefer to pretend they not related. I have been blessed to have family that I would have chosen myself just as I would chose friends. Not all but many. It’s fact and the truth.

Today is World gratitude day. What are you grateful for? The blog is about family and I can saw without a doubt, I am very grateful for my family. My immediate family especially. ❤️

Let me know as I really want to know what you are thinking, and I know others do too. Try commenting 👍🏽, but if you are not comfortable, reach out to me via any medium. Your comments let me know how you feel and very often give me a total different perspective on the topic. 😉. And you can never tell your comment might help others.

Always remember life is for living and you must always live your best life. #lifeisforliving #liveyourbestlife #gratefulforlife #faithgreaterthanfear

See you next Wednesday at 8:00 pm, Bogota time.

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