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Have you ever had a meeting in the future and see it in your mind? You see all issues etc and then when the meeting happens nothing what you saw in your mind happened. The worst thing about it is that’s it’s so stressful. This happens when we live in the future and not in the moment.

I have always heard that one should live in the moment, not the past not the future. I have found that it’s easier said than done. I am spending time learning to live in the now. It’s not been easy. What is the best way to do this? I have found that using meditation, writing and focusing have helped me. Maybe you use another method. Let me know.

Why focus on the now and not the past or the future? Well one is gone and can’t be repaired and the other is yet to come. If you focus on the now you may be able to influence your future, hopefully to point it in the direction you want. I guess that’s what my mother wanted me to realize when she said “eat, drink and be merry, as you never know what tomorrow will bring.” Why worry about that which you have not seen and can’t see.

Living in the now also pushes you towards positivity. Think about it, as you live in the past you are negative and remain so. You reminisce on what happened and you relive the same scenes over and over and very often become bitter. Are you learning from the past or just allowing the sore to fester? Until you let go of the past you will never have closure and be able to live in the now. Let me know if and how you live in the now. Have you ever thought about it and if not what will you do to move towards the present and not the past or future?

See you next week, same time, same place. Comment, subscribe and share.