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As I continue on my journey to my version of normal I realize I have to push through the haze that has appeared. It didn’t happen overnight but creeped up when I didn’t notice. That’s how complacency works, you let it go once and it remains. The thing is if you don’t notice it then it remains and entrench itself in your life. How does one move back to where you want to be? 🤔. I have been thinking about this and I would love to know what you think. Has something similar happened to you and how did you sort it?

When I spoke to someone about this the first thing they said is change your situation. What? Change aspects of your life that would allow you to drop some of the trappings and move into a new “life.” Do you agree? Can changing some aspects of your life change your life overall? I think it actually can, just start small. It’s what we always knew. Small steps can make a difference in the end. Where do you want to go? What you need to know is the destination. Point yourself in that direction and start moving. We have done it before and we can do it again. I’m again on a new journey in life. I know what I want and where I want to go. Don’t know how I will get there but I have a community that I can ask along the way. So I will continue to ask you all questions and just let me know what you think. If you don’t ask then how will you get help?

With Rona in our lives it might look a bit daunting but …. Just move along and go around the obstacles or climb over them. What I want at the end of the day is to be able to look back and say job well done or good try. It makes no sense being afraid of the failure. Failing doesn’t mean you are a failure it just means you tried and it didn’t work. Pick yourself up, brush yourself off and try again. The worst thing for me and many other persons is not the failure having tried, but the failure to try. Jump knowing it’s your life. No one else can live it but you and no one else can determine the destination but you.

Where are you going and do you go alone or with company? I really want to know what you are thinking, and I know others do too. Try commenting 👍🏽, but if you are not comfortable, reach out to me via any medium. Your comments let me know how you feel and very often give me a total different perspective on the topic. 😉. And you can never tell your comment might help others.

Always remember life is for living and you must always live your best life. #lifeisforliving #liveyourbestlife.

See you next Wednesday at 8:00 pm, Bogota time.

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