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Stepping out in faith is not easy. How does one do that not knowing what will happen? I was talking to a girlfriend recently and she said “I’ve taken early retirement.” My response was what will you do and she said “I don’t know , but God will take care of me.” I had to think that this was faith and she always was one with tremendous faith.

I wonder sometimes if I have lost some of that faith that was so me or is it that responsibility changes the way one thinks. I realized is just a shift in how I think and the faith in that higher being will always be there. I have seen and been through a lot and I might ask why but I am not willing to let go of the faith that has and will continue to take me though thick and thin.

The persons that I have spoken to about their faith and who display that unwavering belief are not theologians but ordinary every day folks. It’s interesting that they focus on just having enough while those I admire from afar want it all and have faith that it will be delivered to them.

How does one develop that faith and keep it? Is it something that you are born with or is it something cultivated? Is it something that you can lose and if so can you get it back? Is faith linked to confidence or are they two separate things? I’m not certain about this that’s why I ask.

Let me know how has having that unwavering faith helped you. If you don’t have it what will you do to cultivate the faith that you will need to move forward in your life.

See you next Wednesday, at 8:00 pm.

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