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Many persons see the end of the struggle and are envious of what they see but don’t know what the person had to do to achieve what they have. How can you envy someone for what they have without knowing how they achieved it? If you never walked in their shoes explain to me why are you so envious? My mother used to say “never envy anyone for what they have. You don’t know how they got it. You don’t know if it was earned or stolen.”

There are many persons that I know who happen to be successful, as a matter of fact some are very successful. Many of them achieved what they did on their own without a penny from their parents. Well in many cases their parents had nothing to give them but the push and in some cases not even that.

As you might have figured out I like to listen and watch people. It’s interesting to hear what they think of some persons who they consider “lucky.” I sometimes know the “lucky” person’s story and have to smile. The person worked really hard to achieve what they have, but the envious person never saw that and so they just assume that the person is “lucky”. But as the saying goes never assume as it makes an ass out of u and me. 😂.

I have seen it time and time again and the envy is real and strong. In more than one instance down right dangerous. The thought is why s/he and why not me? Could it be because they put in the work and were prepared to reap the success? If you tried maybe you would also be successful.

The worst ones and I feel the most dangerous are the “friends”. The ones that saw the work, that saw everything but are so envious because you started on the same level and so why should you move away from them and achieve success. They will do everything to drag you down and in many instances stab you in the back or the front. Which ever way you are standing when they lash out.😣. I would say the moment you start seeing the signs move away for your own safety and sanity.

Let me know what you think. Have you seen the envy or have you been the envious? In either case how did you deal with it? Send me your response via any medium, I will answer.

See you next Wednesday, at 8:00 pm.

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