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I have always heard that the worst thing you can do to yourself is compare yourself or achievements to others. Do you agree? Is it because you are showing that you are jealous or is it that you are almost certain to make yourself unhappy? Imagine when you look at the other person and what they have done and realize that they might have “done more than you have.” You ask the question, why me or why them?

My mother would say never envy someone especially as you have never walked in their shoes. You don’t know how someone was able to get what they have because you were never there with them on the journey. You don’t know what they might have had to do in the background to get what they have.

I knew someone that started life as a drug dealer and was able to transition to very legal business. Interestingly when persons who didn’t know him saw what he has it was always why did he make it and I didn’t. The question is would you have been willing to work as “hard” or do the dangerous things he did to make a “living”? I know I wouldn’t and that’s why I don’t take what persons have in their lives for granted. How did they make it to where there are? I don’t know and it’s their business. What do you think?

When you compare yourself to others I think it creates imposter syndrome in some cases as you think, maybe I’m not as good as I think because they are better than I am. But is that really true? How do we determine that others are better than we are? Is it that we just have low self esteem? Is it something that we can change or is it just the way things are?

Let me know as I really want to know what you are thinking, and I know others do too. Try commenting 👍🏽, but if you are not comfortable, reach out to me via any medium. Your comments let me know how you feel and very often give me a total different perspective on the topic. 😉. And you can never tell your comment might help others.

Always remember life is for living and you must always live your best life. #lifeisforliving #liveyourbestlife #gratefulforlife #faithgreaterthanfear

See you next Wednesday at 8:00 pm, Bogota time.

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