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Why Worry

Why worry when most of it won’t happen anyway. I guess it’s human nature to fret when it’s not necessary. If I sat ruminating on what could happen I would never live my life at all as everything would be focused on worrying that I might get sick.

Like or not

Think about the feeling of not having to be near the persons that cause you stress. But is it the person that causes you the stress or is it your intense dislike of them that creates the stress?

Secret sauce to life

He and I argued a lot because I just figured he was not the boss of me and so therefore should not be telling me what to do. He didn’t care that I was grown. The fact is I am my father’s child and I figure that’s why we butted heads just a little too often.


It’s not because I wouldn’t want to but it’s because I have realized I’m the most important person in my life. If I don’t take care of me who will and I won’t be able to take care of the others in my life. Trust me I am not Mother Theresa.


Passion is that love and I mean real love of something that as said in the quote excites you. It’s about what you love not what others have indicated you should love. Is it even easy to focus on your passion.

Five years

It’s then that I have to decide am I doing it for the likes or for the love. I decided that it was for the love. I really love writing. Is this what I want to continue doing forever? I’m not certain. I know it’s not as exciting as it once was but why stop? I realize that I just have to spin it in a way that still makes it exciting for me.