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How does one be themselves? How do you keep being yourself without become what society and others around tell you that you should be? It’s not easy I know. I’m also encouraging my children to be themselves. It was not easy with my nephew-son but when you start early in life it becomes easier. He turned out fine. During the most impressionable years is when we had many conversations as to what would be best for him. I’m again doing the same thing with the younger ones. Being there to talk to them and guide them is one of the best things I can do and will continue to do. It makes me so happy. This is when you draw upon all that has happened in your life and what you saw happening to others. It’s as I said before, experiences aren’t necessarily what you went through but also what you saw others going through. There are some things that I wouldn’t want to experience but I saw others go through. That is how we learn. That’s how I think any way. I know others that insist that if they don’t experience it then it’s not helpful. 🤷🏽‍♀️. For me that makes no sense. Learning and experiences comes in all forms. It’s just like education, it’s no only from formal school. You can get an education from all aspects of life. Well that’s my belief. What do you think?

Thinking about it your education can also have an impact on how you try to and achieve being yourself. As I said education is not only what you learn in school but what’s going on around you and in books and from others.

Being yourself takes some strength. Imagine if what you think you should be is not what society says you should be it can be quite traumatic in every sense of the word. This is especially true of persons that don’t want to conform. I have seen it many times and the thing is they are very unhappy when trying to be what they are not. I know persons that did what society told them to do and went to school, get a job and climb the corporate ladder and are miserable. At the end of the day they say this is not what was promised. I know others that ditched what they were told to do and decided to be themselves and are happy. I’m then thinking it’s while being yourself that you find happiness. And believe me being happy is a great goal and one I strive to achieve. I don’t want to look back on my life and realize I was just plan miserable because I tried to be what I was not. That’s stress that I don’t need and don’t want. It’s not good for me physically or mentally. And at the end of the day it really about me and no one else. If I’m not happy then I can’t help the persons around me. As they would tell you in the airplane put on your own mask first. Similarly in life take care of you first and then look after others. It’s not being selfish it’s protecting yourself. And that’s important. Trust me I would know. Sometimes you have to pull back from trying to please everyone to just being yourself. What you push out might not be what they want to see but tough luck. That’s you and that’s what’s important.

Sometimes when you “change” or decide to be you people might walk away or put distance between you and them, but you know what it might be for the best. As I have realized over the years sometimes separating from persons that were an integral part of your life makes sense. Sometimes they are the ones holding you back from being you. Think about it, they are always in your ears telling you that’s not the best way for you to live your life. Sometimes really they are saying that’s not the way they would live their lives and so you shouldn’t. I’m not talking about running away and joining the circus 😆 but just making changes that you think best for yourself. At many stages of my life I had to stop and think about what was best for me as against what everyone thought would be best for me. Believe me everyone would have an opinion. But at the end of the day how does it help you? It’s their belief not yours. Well that how I think and it has saved me many a unhappy times and stress. Stress not good, believe me. Stress can kill and when it does you will be replaced at work. Always remember you can be replaced so focus on yourself and the ones you love also and find that balance. If however you think that being anyone but yourself is the best way to live then by all means go ahead. Maybe that’s what make you happy. It takes all types to have the world go around.

Let me know as I really want to know what you are thinking, and I know others do too. Try commenting 👍🏽, but if you are not comfortable, reach out to me via any medium. Your comments let me know how you feel and very often give me a total different perspective on the topic. 😉. And you can never tell your comment might help others.

Always remember life is for living and you must always live your best life. #lifeisforliving #liveyourbestlife #gratefulforlife #faithgreaterthanfear

See you next Wednesday at 8:00 pm, Bogota time.

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